Monday, May 5, 2014

About This Blog

This blog is about my potential career on a being a Social Worker. My main focus into going to this carer is to help children. SocialWorker's have bad reputations on being mean and heartless. I wouldn't want that kind of reputation on me especially if my work is not reflecting me on what the career is "supposed" to do, which is to help children. I don;t just want to take kids away from homes that in the first place were not hurting them in anyway but also ruin a big part of their lives. I know this isn't an easy career but if my reward could be that an abused child is taken away from a home or place where they don't feel safe I'm more than satisfied. This is my path in investigating this career and if the main focus is helping kids or just being the rude people who don't have a heart and don't care.

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